Advancing the Greater Good
Planning for Success
With our help, you can rally the team to serve the community well. Within the complexities of your day-to-day operations, we’ll help you optimize your resources. From conception to operation, we can work with you on any phase of organizational development, such as:
Organizational health assessments
Strategic planning
Fund development planning
Process and systems improvement
Change management

Fundraising for Impact
Need a plan for creating and engaging a base of donors and philanthropic partners? As experts in fund development strategy, we’re ready to help you apply best practices and creative approaches to fund your mission. We excel at:
Development office assessments
Capital campaigns
Annual funds
Major gifts
Grant writing
Funder research
Coaching for Growth
From the Board of Directors to support staff, everyone in your organization needs a wide variety of skills for your team to achieve its best possible results. We’re experienced in developing resources to help fill gaps and coach your team to success. We can help with:
One-on-one leadership coaching
Customized team trainings
Board retreats
Team effectiveness assessments

Pro Bono Services
Whether your organization is in transition or confronting specific challenges, AltruNext can be a trusted partner in the process. AltruNext gives back to the community through pro bono services, with preference for small or grassroots organizations (1) using culturally responsive approaches to serving diverse populations (2) led by an individual identifying as BIPOC or LBGTQ+ and/or (3) focused on overcoming sexist oppression.
Speaking & Training
AltruNext provides educational sessions on a variety of topics.
As an AFP Certified Facilitator and GPC-Approved Trainer, Kristin Raack is well qualified to speak about a wide variety of important nonprofit concepts.
Content and format are customized for the target audience:
Nonprofit professionals
Board of Directors
Staff team
Community members and partners
Samples of Previous Workshops and Seminars
Becoming a Philanthropy Facilitator
Bravery & Belonging: DEIAB Essentials for Nonprofit Professionals
Building a Major Gifts Program: 6 Elements for Success
Capitalizing on Your Current Skills in a Capital Campaign
DAFs Demystified: Unlocking the Philanthropic Power of Donor Advised Funds​
Disruption & Development: Fundraising during Organizational Change
Grants as a Catalyst for Community Capacity-Building: A Case Study
Leveraging Strategic Planning Tools to Foster Creativity and Engagement
Plan for Year-End Giving Now to Minimize Stress and Maximize Results​
Planning for Success: Fund Development Planning that Improves Outcomes​
Opening the Black Box: Fundraising Secrets Revealed
Show Me the Money! An Introduction to Finding and Securing Grant Funding
Showcasing Impact: A Guide to Data Collection and Reporting to Grant Funders
Start with Why: Clarifying Your Organization's Direction
Tell Your Community’s Story and Maximize Fundraising Outcomes
The Flexible Tool Your Nonprofit Needs: How Appreciative Inquiry Helps in (Nearly) Any Situation