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Booklovers Unite! Books to Inspire and Develop Your Potential

November 4, 2021, 3pm PT (In-Person and Streaming Online)

Grant Professionals Association

National Conference Session

Presenters: Kristin Raack, CFRE, GPC; Amy Ball Braswell; Crystal M. Kurzen, PhD; & Betty Barnard, MNPO, GPC

As grant professionals, we strive to meet the deepest and most urgent needs in our communities--which requires courage, persistence, leadership, and collaboration. Yet, many of us feel ill-equipped to lead or foster significant collaborations without sufficient support.

This session will help attendees leverage the best practices captured in professional development and leadership books--both those focused on the nonprofit sector as well as more general tomes--and apply them to our work as grant professionals. We’ll explore growth opportunities at the personal, interpersonal, and organizational levels. Attendees will be equipped with a professional growth and development toolkit, which will include detailed book summaries and a resource list of additional reading suggestions.

Attendees will benefit from content specifically aligned with GPC competencies:

  • Leading within an organization structure using best practices such as strategic and mission-focused planning;

  • Building a team of internal and external partners to leverage resources and design data-driven solutions;

  • Ongoing personal growth as a key component of leadership, including recommendations for professional development; and

  • Developing strong relational and communication skills for effective leadership and collaboration .


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